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Rubber fuel hose is an important automotive component used to transport fuel from the tank to the engine, so its quality and performance play a crucial role in the safe operation of the vehicle.

Characteristics of Rubber Fuel Hose

1.Oil resistance
Rubber fuel hoses need to have excellent oil resistance to prevent fuel leakage or evaporation. The fuel contains various chemicals, such as benzene, toluene, and xylene, which have a strong corrosive effect on rubber materials and can easily cause the tube wall to rupture or age.
Therefore, rubber fuel hoses need to be made of materials with good oil resistance and appropriate manufacturing processes and formulations to ensure that they do not have quality problems during long-term use.

2.High-temperature resistance
Rubber fuel hoses also need to have good high-temperature resistance to withstand the high-temperature heat from the engine.
During engine operation, the fuel hose will be affected by various factors such as high-temperature cooling water and high-temperature oil and gas. If the material itself does not have sufficient high-temperature resistance, it is easy to cause problems such as softening, aging, and deformation of the fuel hose, even causing fuel leakage, creating safety hazards.

3.Pressure resistance
Rubber fuel hoses also need to have good pressure resistance to withstand the high pressure from the fuel system. Before the fuel enters the combustion chamber, it needs to undergo pressurization from the high-pressure pump, causing the fuel to form a high-pressure state in the pipeline.
Therefore, rubber fuel hoses need to have sufficient pressure resistance to avoid tube wall rupture or oil leakage.

4.Abrasion resistance
Rubber fuel hoses also need to have certain abrasion resistance to withstand the flow friction of fuel in the pipeline. After long-term use, the surface of the fuel hose is prone to wear and erosion.
Therefore, materials with a certain hardness on the surface should be selected, and appropriate processing should be carried out to improve its abrasion resistance.

Rubber Fuel Hose SAEJ30R6

In addition to material selection and manufacturing processes, the use and maintenance of rubber fuel hoses also need to pay attention to the following points:

Firstly, regularly check whether the surface of the fuel hose has cracks, aging, and wear, and replace the problematic fuel hose in time to avoid oil leakage or other safety hazards.

Secondly, when using rubber fuel hoses, avoid long-term exposure to high-temperature, high-pressure, and strong acid-alkali environments to prevent material aging and rupture.

Finally, for rubber fuel hoses stored for a long time, they should be placed in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place to avoid being affected by factors such as dampness, direct sunlight, and oxidation and to maintain their performance and service life.

In conclusion, rubber fuel hoses are a critical automotive component, and their quality and performance are directly related to the safe and economical operation of the vehicle. Therefore, selecting rubber fuel hoses with excellent performance is crucial.

Our company’s rubber fuel hose is made of high quality rubber, we haves strict test at every step. Wear resistance, long service life. Welcome everyone to come to consult.